Thematic Progression Analysis of Self – Introduction Paragraph Written by EFL Students in Indonesian.
This article examines thematic progression in self – introduction paragraph written by college students at of local Teacher Training Indonesia. This study utilizes a descriptive method since it attempts to describe and analyze textual data accurately. The data for this study are taken from students’ self-introduction paragraph who are taking writing course in the research site. There are 7 different self – introduction paragraphs from different students. After collecting the data, the data then is analyzed using thematic progression theory. This theory is originally from systemic Functional linguistics study particularly from clause as a message which then developed by Fries (2002). This theory can be used to see the coherence and the cohesion, hang the text together, of a particularly text (Gerot and Wignell,1994) The finding shows that the self- introduction paragraph written by the students mostly use constant theme pattern rather than two other patterns, linear theme and split theme. It indicates that the student’s writing is not really well organized. Therefore, Thematic progress need to be acknowledged to the students through writing subject that is incorporated with thematic progression lesson.