Analysis Theme and Rheme in Al-Ikhlas Verse English Translation

  • Fitriani Nurhalimah STKIP Persatuan Islam
Keywords: Theme, Rheme


The main purpose of this research is to find the theme and rheme in each sentence and the theme pattern of Al-Ikhlas Verse English Translation. The object of this research is Al-Ikhlas English verse translation. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative method. The writer selected Al Ikhlas verse translation consisting of three verses. The writer adopted the theory from Gerot and Wignell (1994:104) stating that theme can be identified those elements which come first in the clause. This represents the point of departure of this message from the previous one. Broadly speaking, theme is what the clause is going to be about. Meanwhile, rheme is the rest of the clause which contains new information. The result of this research shows that the topical theme in Al-Ikhlas verse English translation is Allah. There are five themes and five rhemes in Al-Ikhlas verse English translation. Then the pattern of the theme is combination constant and zigzag theme and rheme. By recognizing the theme and rheme, the reader can understand the main point of Al Ikhlas.
