Need Analysis of English Material Course for Students’ of Arabic Education Department

  • Fitriani Nurhalimah STKIP Persatuan Islam
Keywords: Need analysis, necessity, material course, skill


In this study, the writer used descriptive-qualitative method to observe the problems. The data were taken from second semester Arabic Education Department of State Islamic University Bandung students class A and B through purposive sampling. To confirm the data the writer also analyzed document and interviewed the lecturer. This research used several techniques to get the data: (a) document analysis, (b) interview, and (c) questioner. The total of respondents were thirty one respondents.The findings indicate four things. First regarding who the learners are, the writer found out mostly the learners were from Islamic school (Aliyah). They enjoyed the process of learning however they are not really interested in learning English. It is shown from the result of interview that only one of fifteen spared time to learn English. At the end, the writer found out most of them are in basic skill. Second regarding to what the learners need are, the writer found out that learners’ necessities and learners’ wants are speaking but their lack is listening. In the other hand, the writer found out the learners focused on reading skill. Thus, the writer concluded that student’s background will affect their necessity for learning English. In fact, need analysis is significat thing and it could not be ignored as the first step to design syllabus so that an effective process of teaching learning could be applied.
